Fall is a perfect time for hiking and exploring, so during September and October we took advantage to get outdoors and have fun with friends and animals.
My boss from my very first job moved Princeton to start a second career and is attending the Princeton Theological Seminary. It has been so fun to reconnect with her. The kids and I invited her to go on one of our favorite hikes with us (Bald Pate Mountain).
We decided to try a new hike to the Sourland Preserve. We went with some friends and found these great boulders to climb on.
The kids founds some catepillars and catepillar eggs. We put them in jars in our basement and have been watching their progression to crysalis and the finally to beautiful swallow tailed butterflies. Bryce and the kids have done a lot of research on them and learned a lot. We hope they return next year to our parsley plants.
You know I'm a big fan of your hiking outings. I was just telling a friend how strong my kids' instincts are when it comes to climbing rocks. I never have to prompt them and that is so inspiring to me. It's the adults on the ground saying "now be careful" while they're figuring their way up by themselves.
What beautiful butterflies! Excited to hear more about them soon.
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